Clinic Resource Office Legal Aid Ontario |
Welcome to the CRO Website. Please log in to access this resource.
For assistance of any kind, please contact us at 416-204-5420, 1-877-544-5420, TTY: 711, or at cro@lao.on.ca.
The CRO offers in-person and on-line website training and orientation, for new and experienced caseworkers.
The CRO provides Individual File Assistance to clinic caseworkers in the areas of: housing (including social housing and co-op housing); social assistance; CPP and OAS/GIS; tax (CCB, OCB, disability tax credit, and pandemic benefits); Employment Insurance; and human rights and the Charter (as those issues relate to housing, social assistance, CPP or EI matters).
Individual File Assistance includes the provision of:
- research and research memoranda;
- summary advice;
- opinions with respect to further tribunal proceedings (recon/review request), or filing an appeal/JR; and
- website searches.
To make a research request, click on the CRO Services drop-down menu at the top of any page, and choose Research/Litigation Assistance. Please see the CRO Individual File Assistance Policy (CRO No. LEA-G-00005) for more details.
There is a User Guide to help you use this website.
Click on the Help icon at the top of any page, and you
will find the CRO Website User Guide under
"General Help".
The User Guide can help you if you are starting to use
our website. If you are an experienced user, it can
improve your ability to do searches.
Please note that the CRO is still working to finalize work on
this site and there are still some "bugs" to be worked out. For
a list of known problems, and some suggested ways of working
around them, please click "Help" at the top of any page and
look under the heading "technical issues".